Suppressing / Muzzling Free Speech


US Constitution: First Amendment

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

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There are practical necessary exceptions, such as yelling fire in a crowded theater, slander or threatening a terroristic act, etc. Otherwise, there exist very few laws passing constitutional muster that limit the exercise of free speech. Properly interpreted, this amendment leaves us wide latitude to speak our own minds even when some weaklings claim, whether true or not, to be triggered.

In Britain today one can be arrested for the offence of on-line posting of “triggering” remarks on social media sites. We have the God-given right to express ourselves as we wish. Patriot, Evelyn Beatrice Hall is credited for having said, “I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.“ Today, however, our enemies figuratively aim for our jugular when exposed to uncomfortable notions.

Socialists, communists, militants practice the “politics of personal destruction and also game the cause of environmentalism into one of their weapons of war.  These types are at war with our basic American ideals.

Your voice would be drowned if possible. They attempt getting you fired from your job, they would intimidate you, follow you and your children into restaurants to hound you, march in your home’s front yard or sidewalk, disturb your peace and that of others. Provocateur, California Congress woman Maxine Waters told her constituents to get in your face at the gas pump or wherever.

They would dox you publicizing yours and your family members’ personal information. They would de-monetize you, and not stop there.. This right of “free Speech” is SACROSANCT and yet literally, war is declared on you to break and silence you.

Progressives, socialists, communists, democrats, have been and are being debated and roundly defeated in the forum of ideas across America’s fruited plain. These folks ideals “lie in the trash heap of history”: Leon Trotsky said it first but Ronald Reagan got it right at The British House of Commons when he said, “ Freedom and democracy will leave Marxism and Leninism on the trash heap of history.”  

Americans are wising up to these folks. USA Public opinion is not the friendly fellow-traveler of the leftists we have mentioned. Left to their own inability to win hearts and minds, in these days, those of the left wing are becoming increasingly familiar with defeat. Higher percentages of black and Latino voters are walking away from their stale tried-and-failed doctrines.

So, having failed in winning followers, what next are they doing?   These folks are gagging political opponents. They are now attempting social network de-platforming and de-monetizing conservative voices. Their tactics are quite commonly utilized to gag conservatives.

Not at all a new strategy, enemies would have, if they could have, gagged and de-monetized the late Rush Limbaugh whose radio audiences ultimately surpassed 30-million listeners. Attempts at crippling adversaries of the left certainly have been endeavored but have failed. Every time boycotts were attempted such as with EIB advertiser-Snapple, Rush’s loyal and so-appreciative audience stepped up in defense with their purchases of Snapple products to the point Snapple garnered record revenues.  

A similar attempt at silencing occurred in trying to destroy Chick-fil-A, this because of the company’s adherence to Christian values such as sabbath observance. The national Chick-fil-A boycott resulted in utter failure as Chick-fil-A only became financially stronger with a greatly enhanced and thankful customer base.

Many of the chain’s franchises experienced long serpentine lines all day long which were often 50-100-people strong. Until the boycott, I myself, never once experienced the pleasure of eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich and fries washed down with delicious natural lemon-aide.

With my intention being to break the boycott, I found my nearby Chick-fil-A in Temecula, CA, and was enjoying the company of many others also there to break up the boycott. When my turn came to be at the head of the line, I discovered what I had been missing out on.

Their food was delicious and more healthful than I was used to. And they offered such cordial professional service. Before I departed I was asked if I would like my drink topped off to be taken with me. Turns out this was standard operating procedure at the chain’s restaurants. Of course, I said yes. And, by the way, Chick-fil-A has been recently recognized as America’s favorite restaurant now for the 8th year in a row. As of the date of this article, September 1, 2022 the organization is comprised of 2,600 restaurants serving freshly prepared food across 47-states, Washington DC, Canada and Puerto Rico. I might add the chains franchise owners are famous for giving back to their communities.

There exists a failed, yet stubbornly ongoing leftist boycott intended to destroy Hobby Lobby. This is nothing new for the craft chain.  Seems these boycotts of the chain have been fizzling forever. The boycotters have been fully defeated as the chain has grown to 969 stores nationwide. Hobby Lobby is more fortified than ever with revenues greatly escalating. This series of  failed boycotts has existed simply because communists and fascists think of Christianity as antithetical to their derangement and like the wooden dagger to their hearts. They would have you worship anything other than Jesus Christ son of man.

They have been wholeheartedly attempting to dislodge, silence and/or de-monetize radio and tv luminaries, Sean Hannity, and Tucker Carlson just as they tried doing to Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. Many attempts have been made interfering with Dinesh D’Souza, Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro when they have been invited to speak on the college campus and other venues..

All right-leaning SCOTUS justices, especially Clarence Thomas are constantly under social attack. Even Mrs. Ginni Thomas is fighting the good fight.

US Senator Ron Johnson has been played by leftist ideologues employed at the FBI.

I tip my hat to former Secretary of State-Condoleezza Rice, vice-presidential candidate-Sarah Palin, Clergyman and educator-Jerry Falwell, brothers, industrialists-Charles and David Koch, Michael Savage, Herman Cain, Larry Elder, Ann Coulter, Andrew Breitbart, Steve Bannon, Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro and Matt Drudge who have withstood the barrage and have fought the good fight overcoming endless attacks.

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