Wake Up America

The Time Is Now For The Great American Awakening

Please allow me to lay the predicate for remarks I will make later in this post. It is my honor to be the 2nd cousin of America’s founding fathers, President John Adams, President John Quincy Adams and Samuel Adams Jr. As well, I am a 1st cousin of Benjamin Franklin and 2nd cousin of Dr./Gen. Joseph Warren of MASS. credited for directing Paul Revere and William Dawes out on their gloriously famous midnight rides warning the minutemen the British were coming. I am the 4th cousin of General Ulysses S Grant and am the 3rd cousin of General Ethan Allen.

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Each of the following American heroes was my great-grandparent: All were Mayflower passengers namely, John Alden, William Bradford, Richard Warren, William Mullins, Priscilla Mullins, Thomas Rogers and son Joseph Rogers, plus Stephen Hopkins and his daughter Constance.

Aside from that, I’m just a guy with an opinion, but I think you can deduce, I am American through and through, to my very core.

“Biden calling half the country “extremists,” while inflation soars, grocery prices rise, and crime skyrockets is not the “unity” that was promised” : Congressman Jim Jordan. How dare he defile Independence Hall

It is with trepidation and certainty I tell you, my friends, America is under attack. Our mortal enemy China is and has been very much gaining on us in terms of education, preparation for war, finance and world-wide clout.

Russia is rolling in rubles while it conducts war in Ukraine. Russia chokes off the world’s supply of Ukranian grain while simultaneously exposing Ukrainians to all out nuclear catastrophe. In Russia there is such an abundance of oil and natural gas, it is more than adequate to keep state coffers overflowing. These two degenerate nations have been nipping at our heals and gaining while we languish in wokeism, political correctness, apathy and corruption.

We are flanked to the left and right by Iran and Iraq. Thanks to the Biden Administration, we are about to enter into a renewed nuclear deal in which plane-loads of cash will be handed to Iran. Iran is a mortal enemy to us and to Israel and we are setting them on a course to achieve the bomb. Also, you can be assured there will be enough on those pallets of cash, Iran can fund terrorists worldwide. In the meantime The Whitehouse is not accepting calls from Israel’s leadership. So, is tyranny at hand? I think so.

We are being assaulted daily from within by those perpetrators of malfeasance and nonfeasance at the D.O.J. and F.B.I. OMG these folks have been performing disgracefully. President Biden and his junior business partner are selling out America. Biden has sworn he will destroy the oil and coal industries. He shuts down exploratory drilling and public lands oil leases but blames these folks for shortages.. He even goes so far as to say they are price gauging. Making matters worse, he has the audacity to publicly state America’s under great threat by M.A.G.A. Americans.

Lois Lerner _ IRS on capitol Hill

Some gun toting (sworn to kill) I.R.S. agents deal from the bottom of the deck when it comes to equal treatment not tendered to conservatives.

We are being lied to by the press. And their excuse is that they just had to do so to prevent Donald Trump from being re-elected. By the way, mainstream press strategy is to lie all the time then when caught in their lie, they merely deny or ask for forgiveness.   

Dan Rather and Brian Williams have both received criticism

Our children are being sent to government re-education centers called public schools. These sweet kids of ours hear the same failed dogma and are being constantly indoctrinated from classroom to classroom. from union member to union member. It’s too much for their mush-filled heads. A child hears the lies often enough so they begin believing them.

We are being de-platformed by leftists at the Social Networks. These types are in a full-on purge mode to CANCEL us, thus making our voices nearly mute. We are being misinformed and uninformed by press and social media.

The FED and SEC as well as our military have diminished kinetic energy and thus, are under-performing and understaffed as they wallow in wokeism. As for me, I want the best and brightest standing guard over my dollars. Similarly I want my nation’s military focused on defending the United States of America with the best and brightest available for the job.

Our unions may or may not have the best interest of their members at heart but I do see them as an unnecessary burden on America’s economy.  Personally, I have always preferred working for someone tuned in to the work ethic and productivity of staff. In this, my work ethic and performance and results could be appreciated and hopefully rewarded.

Rodney King Beating 1965 Sylmar CA

Some law enforcement officers and officials are crooked as we have witnessed at the F.B.I. Some law enforcement officers are bullies, witness the walloping of Rodney King and the homicide of my beloved son Brian Drummond who served us in the U.S. Navy. He needed help one January, 1999 night in Anaheim, CA. Instead of help, Anaheim’s finest squashed the life out of him and went unpunished for their homicide.   See my post titled , “Brian Thomas Drummond – R.I.P Son”.

My wonderous son, Brian Thomas Drummond 1967-2006 who died as the result of compression asphyxia. A homicide at the hands of the Anaheim, CA Police Dept. according to the San Bernardino County, CA Coroners Office. Three officers hogtied him then kneeled on his back and neck for about 8-minutes forcing Brian’s inability to breath. Brian was father of two boys and two girls.

In summary – An American societal revolution is well underway! Mores which have withstood the test of time are under attack by leftist /Marxists. We have in our midst what amounts to an onslaught attack from the left, one of great magnitude. Marxists, communists, socialists and pretenders claiming to have our environment at heart as their ultimate concern, are attempting to destroy the American dream.  History bears eye witness to each and every previous failed attempt of theirs and of their predecessors.

These folks have every intention to re-make America in the Godless, entity of their choosing. Marx followed by The Fabian Society and it’s offshoot The London School of Economics, were the launchpad for this disease carried on by Vladimir Lenin and his killing machine. Then onto the Kruschev years. In more recent days, Saul Alinsky and his Rules For Radicals primer Hillary Clinton has been in lockstep with and Bill Ayers terrorist, bomber/murderer of whom it has been said ghosted Barack Obama’s “Dreams of My Father” filled the breach. And then there were and are the Hollywood types who’s decadence redounds through generations of degradation. Just to name a few:

This must and will be fixed. I have some ideas. So, let’s talk.

#PeterStrzok #LoisLerner #DanRather #BrianWilliams #teachersunion #JosephBiden #Malfeasance #corruption #dishonestmainstreampress #PoliceBrutality #communism #socialism #Marxism #Leninism

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