A Bloodless Coup?

Was Zuckerberg a victim of government tyranny or a co-conspirator?

Did Mark Zuckerberg willingly and enthusiastically accommodate the FBI by totally suppressing and blocking the New York Post’s revelations of October 2020, in which the news story legally obtained and legally reported, revealed highly troublesome incidents as evidenced in Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell”?

Before answering, first a word about Mark Zuckerberg. It is widely understood Zuckerberg’s pathway to the launch of Facebook includes some dubious milestones. Ref. The Social Network. It is said, Zuckerberg was being investigated by the Harvard Crimson due to student complaints that had surfaced. So, Zuckerberg hacked into the email accounts of two of the editors of the Harvard Crimson Newspaper. This inauspicious beginning marked his reputation to include unethical behavior.

In the election year 2020 Zuckerberg became infamous for tweaking the U.S. presidential election. It is said he spent $350 million, (so-called Zuckerbucks) to sway elections in predominantly black communities. He did so by handing over “Zuckerbucks” to biased polling officials to use as they chose. With that money unsafe and in-secure ballot drop boxes were used so that absentee ballots could be remotely dropped off. Problem was some 2,000 mules used them to illegally cast extra votes. Some of those 2,000 mules are proven to have dropped off 30 or more ballots each daily. Ref. 2,000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza

I believe the answer is yes, because at Facebook, leftist bias is a given, a fact of life and appears to be the paramount factor influencing decision making. After all, the Post’s story was factual and fair game for public consumption. And yes, would be of help to voters in choosing their next president. But, Zuckerberg likely had most every reason to believe Hunter’s “laptop” revelations when published on Facebook, could not withstand voter scrutiny. He knew salacious and loathsome activities revealed in Hunter Biden’s laptop would prove devastating to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential candidacy.

De-platforming, censoring and the deceitful shadow banning of conservative points of view are regular everyday occurrences at Facebook. As 2020’s presidential election drew near, these tactics were more and more the prevalent norm at Facebook. Attested to by victims and witnesses, thoroughly demonstrated to be true and even corroborated by Facebook employees, these tactics are well documented.

So, virtually any well-informed reasoning individual should be able to conclude Zuckerberg and his minions, (1) are by-in-large biased leftists opposed to the good-hearted view points of millions upon millions of American conservatives; (2) They are quite willing to quash free speech and do stifle the expression of views they disagree with.

It is widely known, Zuckerberg and Facebook were not victims of governmental tyranny. He and Facebook were perpetrators and enthusiastic co-conspirators of tyranny. The American electorate and Donald J. Trump were victims of Facebook’s suppression of free speech. Would-be Facebook contributors were cheated of their ability to convey their message as were readers on Facebook’s platform being cheated when denied their opportunities to read the views of folks whose only sin was having a view point distasteful to Facebook censors.

On the Joe Rogan podcast Zuckerberg admitted to his company’s complicity with the FBI but tried subliminally excusing Facebook’s behavior by inferring Facebook shouldn’t be a party to distribution of Russian disinformation.

Suppressing Constitutionally Protected Free Speech In The Public Square Is An Everyday Happening At Facebook.

Zuckerberg’s Confession: Mark Zuckerberg made a declaration while being interviewed on the August 25, 2022 edition of the widely acclaimed Joe Rogan podcast. Zuckerberg so much as admitted to his Facebook organization having accommodated high-ranking FBI officials, [perhaps including Timothy Thibault]. He said the FBI officials warned there would be an imminent dump of bogus Russian propaganda. In the dump, Joe Biden and son Hunter would be defamed. Zuckerberg’s implication drawn was that it would be best to bury those stories. It turns out burying the story is exactly what was done.

Of course, it is widely known Facebook as an organization is extremely biased in favor of left wing causes. And therefore, defenders of these particular FBI practices could claim that, “No pressure needed being exerted to get Facebook to withhold disparaging remarks regarding the Bidens.” But, if arms were not twisted at Facebook and therefore, Facebook was a willing and wanton participant, then the crime becomes one of government and Facebook collusion/conspiracy to obstruct the New York Post’s First Amendment right of free speech in the public’s marketplace of ideas. Conspiracy to commit a crime is indeed a criminal act, even if one of the conspirators is a government proxy.

Information gleaned during an FBI investigation is rightfully the property of the federal government. It is a crime, therefore, for an FBI agent to convert, steal or misappropriate that information to his personal and selfish end. The ownership principle is tantamount to, let us say, a $20 dollar bill in a government cash drawer. The information like the $20 dollar bill may not be converted to be used for an FBI agent’s personal use. Conversion of the $20 is a theft. Details gleaned during an investigation may not be transferred to Facebook for the agent’s and/or Facebook’s selfish or self-serving and personal advantage or gratification. Thus, clearly we have conversion.

Fact is there was no Russian dump. The New York post’s expose is now well-established as factual and has been verified by a multiplicity of mainstream newspapers and news agencies.

Timothy Thibault-FBI Washington DC Field office Director

But more importantly, the FBI knew there would be no such Russian dump. FBI officials certainly were aware of the true and legitimate nature of the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop expose. After all the FBI was in possession of the laptop’s hard drive. The FBI is served by perhaps the world’s finest computer forensics scientists. It was known then the story was factual. Timothy Thibault, now separated but then in charge at the FBI’s D.C. field office did not want the Biden Family corruption presented in all it’s ugliness to the potential disfavor of the American electorate.

Thibault wanted to turn out the presidency of Donald J. Trump and favored Biden being elected President. The election would occur in less than two months. The revelation would rock the electorate with not enough time remaining to overcome it’s publication. So, Joe Biden’s fellow travelers at main stream media outlets would surely have to suppress these revelations.

Once again, high ranking FBI officials were acting illegally in their sinister effort to take down an American President. They were attempting a bloodless coup. Not sure about that? Just consider the doings and bias of Peter Strzok and his lover Lisa Page.

And, once again, in the most horrific way, the FBI intervened in an American National election. Again, the FBI has taken political sides favoring the democrats. This, fully in stark violation of DOJ and FBI doctrine.

As it is a crime for a businessman, supervisor or department manager to intimidate or coerce a subordinate to achieve sexual compliance, it also is criminal for FBI officials (US government operatives) to misappropriate/manipulate their awesome power under color of authority.

Of course, it is illegal for government officials to cause censorship in the public square. By knowingly making false assertions  and by way of powerful intimidation and/or conspiracy, the FBI has fraudulently manipulated organizations such as Facebook and Twitter who are major players in today’s public square.

Federal government officials under the auspices of the Biden Administration and thus on his presidential watch, have fraudulently coerced America’s major players in the public square to censor legitimate public discourse in quest of achieving their selfish ends.

This is another example in keeping with our recent-years awareness of FBI corruption. In this grievous act, Timothy Thibault, (pronounced Tee-boe) a top-level FBI official overseeing the FBI’s critically important Washington DC Field Office, actually abused his official powers by committing malfeasance under color of authority in burying the New York Post’s legitimate story and in quashing any ongoing or future investigations into his favorite candidate Joseph Biden. These clearly are illegal acts.

Thibault has been under fire for his role in terminating current and all future investigations regarding President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. Making matters worse, it has been established Timothy Thibault was central in initiating and manipulating into existence several bogus FBI investigations of President Donald J. Trump. Mind you the crime for such illegitimate, illicit activity is more than just malfeasance. The perpetrator could be charged with sedition, treason or the attempted overthrow of the presidency of the United States. So, i speak of his having committed a “bloodless coup”.

I pose this question… What penalty is being exacted on these perpetrators? They succeeded in overthrowing a presidency, all-be-it by way of trickery and illegality. Timothy Thibault has resigned his position at the FBI. I hear of no federal indictments leveled at these characters. There is a little bad press but thoroughly tamped down by main stream media.

Biden has turned the US Presidency into a shambles. He has been the point man in allowing/instigating 2,000,000,000 illegal alien entries into the United States. He spends like a drunken sailor and flouts the law.

Perhaps, above all else, Biden is now at war with half the electorate. He addresses us in an ugly way reminiscent of how Hitler came across. He promised he would unite this nation while in actuality he devides us into two camps. His camp is comprised of his loyal supporters. He says the other camp, about half the American electorate is made up of enemies of the state, those who have no respect for the US Constitution, those who condone illegalities, etc. Now isn’t that rich?

These culprits skate by unscathed while the rest of us suffer in horror. No, there is no appreciable punishment for these characters. They are at war with us. They are out to kill the American dream. And they’re off to a monstrous beginning. We better damn well wake up! There is much work to be done. The tables must be turned on them.

#FBI #Facebook #MarkZuckerberg #TimotheThibault #BloodlessCoup @DonaldTrump

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