Yes, He’s Creepy and Yes, Confused, However He’s Sly Like a Fox

Creepy Invasion of a Woman’s Space
Confused Joe Biden
Divider-In-Chief: “70 MILLION Trump – Make America Great Again Voters are “ENEMIES OF THE STATE” according to Pres. Joe Biden

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Dishonest and corrupt Joe Biden’s Tentacles eerily project in awful and unlawful directions. Since the launch of Biden’s vice-presidency in 2008 he and his son Hunter have partnered in peddling influence. These two have repeatedly betrayed America selling us out to the communist Chinese CCP proxies such as CEFC China Energy, always with “The Big Guy” [Joe Biden] getting his 10% cut.

Over the course of [one 14 month period], the Chinese energy conglomerate [CEFC China Energy] and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, James Biden, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden, aka, [The Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell].

China’s proxies steal America’s treasures seemingly daily yet these two jerks do the stuff that makes them beholden to China. Biden, thus, is under the thumb of Chinese blackmailers. Is the Biden, (father & son) joint bank account more important to them than is the well-being of America? In my opinion their answer would be yes. Biden’s participation in such schemes subjects him to CCP blackmail. He cannot confront and pressure China to refrain from it’s deliberate subversion, sabotage and theft of corporate copyrights and patents. China steals our treasures and Biden countenances this.

The following Hunter Biden/BURISMA / China expose et al, speaks volumes in describing everyday corruption:

Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S.
Government Policy and Related Concerns; U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; U.S. Senate Committee on Finance Majority Staff Report

In late 2013 and into 2014, mass protests erupted in Kyiv, Ukraine, demanding integration into western economies and an end to systemic corruption that had plagued the country. At least 82 people were killed during the protests, which culminated on Feb. 21 when Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych abdicated by fleeing the country. Less than two months
later, over the span of only 28 days, significant events involving the Bidens unfolded.

On April 16, 2014, Vice President Biden met with his son’s business partner, Devon Archer, at the White House. Five days later, Vice President Biden visited Ukraine, and he soonafter was described in the press as the “public face of the administration’s handling of Ukraine.” The day after his visit, on April 22, Archer joined the board of Burisma. Six days later, on April
28, British officials seized $23 million from the London bank accounts of Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky. Fourteen days later, on May 12, Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma, and over the course of the next several years, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were paid millions of dollars from a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch for their participation on the board.

The 2014 protests in Kyiv came to be known as the Revolution of Dignity — a revolution against corruption in Ukraine. Following that revolution, Ukrainian political figures were desperate for U.S. support. Zlochevsky would have made sure relevant Ukrainian officials were well aware of Hunter’s appointment to Burisma’s board as leverage. Hunter Biden’s position on the board created an immediate potential conflict of interest that would prove to be problematic for both U.S. and Ukrainian officials and would affect the implementation of Ukraine policy.

Sen. Chuck Grassley IA – Chair, Senate Judiciary Committee and Senate Finance Committee

The Chairmen’s investigation into potential conflicts of interest began in August 2019, with Chairman Grassley’s letter to the Department of Treasury regarding potential conflicts of interest with respect to Obama administration policy relating to the Henniges transaction.

1) During the Obama administration, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approved a transaction that gave control over Henniges, an American maker of antivibration technologies with military applications, to a Chinese government-owned aviation company and a China-based investment firm with established ties to the Chinese government. One of the companies involved in the Henniges transaction was a billion-dollar private investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). BHR was formed in November 2013 by a merger between the Chinese-government-linked firm Bohai Capital and a company named
Rosemont Seneca Partners. Rosemont Seneca was formed in 2009 by Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, by Chris Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John
Kerry, and others.

1) Press Release, Chairman Charles Grassley, S. Comm. on Fin., Grassley Raises Concerns Over Obama Admin Approval of U.S. Tech Company Joint Sale to Chinese Government and Investment Firm Linked to Biden, Kerry Families (Aug. 15, 2019),

2) Peter Schweizer, “Inside the Shady Private Equity Firm Run by Kerry and Biden’s Kids”, NEW YORK POST (Mar. 15, 2018),;

Peter Schweizer, The Troubling Reason Why Biden is so Soft on China, NEW YORK POST (May 11, 2019),;

3) Tom Llamas et al., Biden Sidesteps Questions About His Son’s Foreign Business Dealings but Promises Ethics Pledge, ABC NEWS (June 20, 2019), (Stating that Hunter Biden was a managing partner at Rosemont
Seneca Partners.).

4) Access to relevant documents and testimony has been persistently hampered by criminal investigations, impeachment proceedings, COVID-19, and several instances of obstructive behavior. Accordingly, this investigation has taken longer than it should have. The Chairmen’s
efforts have always been driven by our belief that the public has the right to know about wrongdoing and conflicts of interest occurring within government, and especially those conflicts brought about by the actions of governmental officials.

This is a good-government oversight investigation that relies on documents and testimony from U.S. agencies and officials, not a Russian disinformation campaign, as our Democratic colleagues have falsely stated. What the Chairmen discovered during the course of this investigation is that the Obama administration knew that Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board was problematic and did interfere in the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine.

Moreover, this investigation has illustrated the extent to which officials within the Obama administration ignored the glaring warning signs when the vice president’s son joined the board of a company owned by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch. And, as will be discussed in later sections, Hunter Biden was not the only Biden who cashed in on Joe Biden’s vice presidency.

This report not only details examples of extensive and complex financial transactions involving the Bidens, it also describes the quandary other U.S. governmental officials faced as they attempted to guide and support Ukraine’s anticorruption efforts. The Committees will continue to evaluate the information and evidence as it becomes available.

US Senate Finance Committee Hearing

Key Findings:
 In early 2015 the former Acting Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine, George Kent, raised concerns to officials in Vice President Joe Biden’s office about the perception of a conflict of interest with respect to Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board. Kent’s concerns went unaddressed, and in September 2016, he emphasized in an email to his colleagues, “Furthermore, the presence of Hunter Biden on the Burisma board was very awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anticorruption agenda in Ukraine.”

 In October 2015, senior State Department official Amos Hochstein raised concerns with Vice President Biden, as well as with Hunter Biden, that Hunter Biden’s position on Burismas board enabled Russian disinformation efforts and risked undermining U.S. policy in Ukraine.

 Although Kent believed that Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board was awkward for all U.S. officials pushing an anti-corruption agenda in Ukraine, the Committees are only aware of two individuals — Kent and former U.S. Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs Amos Hochstein — who raised concerns to Vice President Joe Biden (Hochstein) or his staff (Kent).

 The awkwardness for Obama administration officials continued well past his presidency. Former Secretary of State John Kerry had knowledge of Hunter Biden’s role on Burisma’s board, but when asked about it at a town hall event in Nashua, N.H. on Dec. 8, 2019, Kerry falsely said, “I had no knowledge about any of that. None. No.” Evidence to the contrary is detailed in Section V.

 Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland testified that confronting oligarchs would send an anticorruption message in Ukraine. Kent told the Committees that Zlochevsky was an “odious oligarch.” However, in December 2015, instead of following U.S. objectives of confronting oligarchs, Vice President Biden’s staff advised him to avoid commenting on Zlochevsky and recommended he say, “I’m not going to get into naming names or accusing individuals.”

 Hunter Biden was serving on Burisma’s board (supposedly consulting on corporate governance and transparency) when Zlochevsky allegedly paid a $7 million bribe to officials serving under Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Vitaly Yarema, to “shut the case against Zlochevsky.” Kent testified that this bribe occurred in December 2014 (seven months after Hunter joined Burisma’s board), and, after learning about it, he and the Resident Legal Advisor reported this allegation to the FBI.

Hunter Biden Deplanes While On China Business Trip

 Hunter Biden was a U.S. Secret Service protectee from Jan. 29, 2009 to July 8, 2014. A day before his last trip as a protectee, Time published an article describing Burisma’s ramped up lobbying efforts to U.S. officials and Hunter’s involvement in Burisma’s board. Before ending his protective detail, Hunter Biden received Secret Service protection on trips to multiple foreign locations, including Moscow, Beijing, Doha, Paris, Seoul, Manila, Tokyo, Mexico City, Milan, Florence, Shanghai, Geneva, London, Dublin, Munich, Berlin, Bogota, Abu Dhabi, Nairobi, Hong Kong, Taipei, Buenos Aires,
Copenhagen, Johannesburg, Brussels, Madrid, Mumbai and Lake Como.

 Andrii Telizhenko, the Democrats’ personification of Russian disinformation, met with Obama administration officials, including Elisabeth Zentos, a member of Obama’s National Security Council, at least 10 times. A Democrat lobbying firm, Blue Star Strategies, contracted with Telizhenko from 2016 to 2017 and continued to request his assistance as recent as the summer of 2019. A recent news article detailed other
extensive contacts between Telizhenko and Obama administration officials.

 In addition to the over $4 million paid by Burisma for Hunter Biden’s and Archer’s board memberships, Hunter Biden, his family, and Archer received millions of dollars from foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds.
 Archer received $142,300 from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan, purportedly for a car, the same day Vice President Joe Biden appeared with Ukrainian Prime Minister Arsemy Yasenyuk and addressed Ukrainian legislators in Kyiv regarding Russia’s actions in Crimea.

 Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.

6  Hunter Biden opened a bank account with Gongwen Dong to fund a $100,000 global spending spree with James Biden and Sara Biden.
 Hunter Biden had business associations with Ye Jianming, Gongwen Dong, and other Chinese nationals linked to the Communist government and the People’s Liberation Army. Those associations resulted in millions of dollars in cash flow.

 Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries and who appear to be linked to an “Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.”

**Corrupt Biden DOJ, FBI and Facebook are spying on Americans**

A recent report claims that Facebook has been spying on the private messages of American users and reporting them to the FBI if they express anti-government sentiments or question the 2020 election.

BREITBART: Report: Facebook Spied on Messages of Conservatives Questioning 2020 Election, Sent Them to FBI …. The New York Post reports that Facebook has been spying on the private messages and data of American users. The company has reportedly been informing the FBI of users that express anti-government or anti-authority sentiments. Sources within the DOJ allege that the company also reported users that questioned the validity of the 2020 election.

As part of an FBI collaboration operation, an employee at Facebook red-flagged private messages containing such sentiments over the past 19 months, transmitting redacted versions to the domestic terrorism operational unit at the FBI headquarters in Washington, DC. This was all done without a subpoena.

One anonymous source stated: “It was done outside the legal process and without probable cause. Facebook provides the FBI with private conversations which are protected by the First Amendment without any subpoena.”

The private messages were shared as “leads” to FBI field offices around the U.S. which then requested subpoenas from the partner U.S. Attorney’s Office in their district to obtain the private conversations they had already been provided with by Facebook.

However, when the Facebook users were investigated, they were not found to be involved in anything criminal or violent. One source stated: “It was a waste of our time.”

All of the Facebook users red-flagged as possible terrorists were “conservative right-wing individuals,” one source said. “They were gun-toting, red-blooded Americans [who were] angry after the election and shooting off their mouths and talking about staging protests. There was nothing criminal, nothing about violence or massacring or assassinating anyone.”

The source continued: “As soon as a subpoena was requested, within an hour, Facebook sent back gigabytes of data and photos. It was ready to go. They were just waiting for that legal process so they could send it.”

Erica Sackin, spokesperson for Communications, Dangerous Organizations and Individuals at Facebook (now known as Meta), denied the allegations, stating:

These claims are false because they reflect a misunderstanding of how our systems protect people from harm and how we engage with law enforcement. We carefully scrutinize all government requests for user information to make sure they’re legally valid and narrowly tailored and we often push back. We respond to legal requests for information in accordance with applicable law and our terms and we provide notice to users whenever permitted.

But in an “updated statement,” Sackin changed her language to say that the claims were “wrong,” not “false.” The adjusted statement reads:

These claims are just wrong. The suggestion we seek out peoples’ private messages for anti-government language or questions about the validity of past elections and then proactively supply those to the FBI is plainly inaccurate and there is zero evidence to support it,” said Sackin, a DC-based crisis response expert who previously worked for Planned Parenthood and “Obama for America” and now leads Facebook’s communications on “counterterrorism and dangerous organizations and individuals.

For what it’s worth, Attorney General – Merrick Garland who might have survived hearings were he to have had his Supreme Court justice nomination advanced, might otherwise today actually be seated on the Supreme Court. However, instead as US Attorney General, he has outed himself exposing his true nature as a reprehensible Jerk. For Garland it’s politicks first above justice.

Biden is a crook but a dishonest corrupted press would never tell you so. #laptopfromhell #HunterBiden #Bidencorruption #Burisma #FBICollusion #FacebookCollusion

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