We’re Losing Our Country



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The left-leaning Washington Post newspaper reported on Oct 6, 2022, “Federal agents think they have enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with tax and gun-buy crimes.” That same evening on Fox News Channel’s (FNC) Sean Hannity Show, Hannity relinquished about 5-minutes time for editorial comment propounded by nationally syndicated talk show host and best selling author, Mark Levin. The following is, I think, the essence of his commentary I found to be so on point it must be published.

Mark Levin:

Mark Levin – Nationally syndicated talk show host & best selling author

I’ll give you my take on this Washington post piece. The question is why would they put it out now. I think Pam [Bondi] has a very good theory. I have a different theory. And my theory is, this is old news. They could’ve indicted Hunter a long time ago. They are protecting Joe [Biden] of course because you’re not getting into any of the [Tony] Bobulinski laptop information which is rife for the taking.

Joe Biden is a Manchurian president… in my view is bought and paid for not just by the communist regime but others. That said, I think what is going on here this week is numerous sources are trying to lay a predicate, lay a foundation not a legal predicate but a foundation for the American people and particularly conservatives who ask, “Why don’t they indict him?” “Why don’t they indict Hunter? It’s black and white. They’ve got the goods on him.” So, we can have people say ok, fine.

And then we have [Attorney General] Merrick Garland say, “I believe in equality under the law so we did XYZ to Hunter Biden and now we’re doing XYZ to Donald Trump.” I think this is a complete set up. I think Hunter Biden is small potatoes. I think they’re protecting Joe Biden who obviously is more important. He’s President of The United States. And they have absolutely no interest in him, [I repeat] absolutely no interest in him. And by the way, neither do the media. They keep writing books about Donald Trump like Maggie Haberman. Who Cares? What about Joe Biden?and all of his time?

But I want to talk about this election a little bit, too. And I want the public to understand that The United States –The United States isn’t guaranteed to exist as the United States in perpetuity.

Countries are subject to demise. Athens fell, Rome fell. The British Empire exists no longer. We are a country that is falling. We are a country that is facing demise as the number one superpower on the face of the earth. It’s not because we voted for this because we want it. It’s because the Democrat party wants and is doing it. This is a man-made grave assault on our liberty, on our prosperity and our number one status is a superpower, step by step by step in every respect.

Look at education. It used to be first. There were no equals. Now education is failing horribly. The borders are wide-open that is an affirmative decision by this administration. Massive government redistribution of wealth from the private sector to the phony masterminds in Washington. That’s an obvious decision by the Democrat party. The destruction of energy independence… this is an obvious decision by the Democrat party. Soft on crime and big on criminals is an obvious decision by the Democrat party. Everything that’s going on in this country isn’t by mistake. It isn’t because of mother nature. It is because of the Democrats

The Democrats hate this country. They don’t believe in this country. They’re embracing more and more aggressive aspects of Marxism. They oppose an independent judiciary. They threaten justices. They want to pack the court for the second time in 100-years. They want to get rid of the filibuster because they want to ram through their agenda even if they only have 50-Democrat senators and on and on and on.

Now they want to destroy our voting system. And now they want noncitizens to have the right to vote in various cities. The country’s coming apart. The country is coming apart at the seams. Our customs and our traditions are under attack. Our history is under attack. And there’s one political party that serves as the political force for all these radical and extreme ideas. It’s the same political party 100 years ago that stood for segregation. It’s the same political party 100 years ago that refused to support the anti-lynching bill.

It’s the same political party 100 years ago that supported eugenics. It’s the same political party that demands abortion on demand, that rejects morality and ethics, that is teaching our little kids all kinds of grotesque behavior, that is teaching our little kids to be racists and victims. It’s teaching our little kids to hate the  country to hate capitalism.

It’s not just our younger kids but our older kids are at their colleges and universities where there is no academic freedom. There is no free-speech. We have segregated areas now. We have “No Jews” areas now. This country is out of control now. if you want it to continue to fall, you vote for the democrats. I don’t love all the Republicans. And I’m not a special pleader for the Republican party. But this time around that’s all we’ve got. We have to fight this. This movement, this democrat party is not just about some policy changes. Ladies and gentlemen, I just want to read to you from Ronald Reagan:

President Ronald Reagan

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. There is no passage to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States when men were free.”

Ronald Reagan thought Joe Biden was a moron. He didn’t like him and he didn’t like the way he treated people in the very nasty way he chaired the Senate Judiciary committee. Joe Biden is a mere figurehead for radical Obama types and all the rest.

We’re losing our country. We have to start calling it back in November. That’s it.


#MarkLevin #JoeBiden #Freedom #America #USA #The Squad #HatingAmerica

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